AMBLESIDE ACTION FOR A FUTURE is a network of local residents working together to mitigate climate and environmental breakdown and build community resilience.
We have a number of volunteer groups working on a range of exciting environment projects such as improving water quality, tree planting, promoting green transport, helping householders and businesses to save energy, and more.
If you share our concerns we invite you to explore our web site and consider joining us and one or more of our projects.
If you share our concerns we invite you to explore our web site and consider joining us and one or more of our projects.
We meet as a full group on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm apart from July and August, often with an outside speaker. Our sub-groups meet in the interim to work on different projects.
Next monthly meeting
Wednesday 12th February at 7:30pm
Wesley Room, Ambleside Parish Centre
Wednesday 12th February at 7:30pm
Wesley Room, Ambleside Parish Centre
As Ambleside Action for a Future we will do as much as we can locally and nationally to slow global warming and mitigate the effects of climate breakdown. We will seek to co-create a kind, inclusive, cohesive and resilient community embracing as many people in the Ambleside area as possible to provide mutual emotional and practical support in the face of the worsening effects of climate breakdown.
As Ambleside Action for a Future we will do as much as we can locally and nationally to slow global warming and mitigate the effects of climate breakdown. We will seek to co-create a kind, inclusive, cohesive and resilient community embracing as many people in the Ambleside area as possible to provide mutual emotional and practical support in the face of the worsening effects of climate breakdown.
Recent News
Visit to Claver Hill Community Garden, Lancaster
On Wednesday 24 July a group of AAFAF members travelled to Lancaster to see the Claver Hill Community Garden. We were shown round by Steve Jenkins who had earlier given us the wonderful talk on Claver Hill at our June meeting. The visit was inspiring. You can get a sense of what a wonderful place it is and how enjoyable our time there was from the photos of the visit.
Big Plant Giveaway 2024
Our 2024 event was the most successful yet. More details here. |
Water Group
Our Water Group is now very active. Read about some of its work. |
In memory of Mary Wyburn - one of our founding members.
Read Gillian Kelly's reflections here. |
John Barwise gave a talk on Balancing Tourism and Sustainability at a recent AAFAF meeting.
Read a summary here. |
Courtesy of Cumbria Action for Sustainability we have recently added a list of grants that are available to householders to improve their home heating performance, some with eligibility criteria.
It can be found at the bottom of our Retrofit Made Easy page.
It can be found at the bottom of our Retrofit Made Easy page.
To find our latest newsletter click on the NEWSLETTER box at the top of this page
A Community's goal to reach net zero carbon
We gratefully acknowledge the following bodies for the award of grants to Ambleside Action for a Future