Ambleside Action for a Future aims to help make Ambleside carbon neutral by reducing energy use, increasing the use of renewable energy and moving to sustainable modes of transport. Through planting trees we are increasing the amount of carbon captured from the atmosphere.
We welcome you to join any or all of the different projects briefly outlined below to provide help and support or by just spreading the word.
If you click on any of the titles or logos below you can learn more.
Community Energy
Our project group has identified several community buildings and businesses as our first step in developing our own supply of renewable energy. This project is being coordinated with the help of |
The Lobbying Group exists to influence and persuade government, businesses and other organisations to adopt climate-friendly policies and practices though letters, emails and discussion. |
Growing and Biodiversity
The aim of this group is to take care of our local landscape in a sustainable way, by observing and documenting local diversity, planting for pollinators and biodiversity and planting and caring for for trees which will increase carbon uptake. |
Warmer Homes
Reducing the energy we use within our homes by improving their energy efficiency is a huge challenge for many buildings in our area. This group are developing ways to help our residents take the action required which will save energy, save money and make homes more comfortable to live in. |
Some 32% of Cumbria’s carbon footprint comes from driving emissions, and we have an active group seeking to influence the development of a much more sustainable transport narrative within our area. |
In the water group we are working towards improving the health and biodiversity of water catchment of the Rothay and Brathay which between them provide 70% of the flow that enters Windermere. We are doing this by monitoring phosphate levels and invertebrate health to establish the current situation, and then working with other concerned organisations to implement a catchment-wide vision to rewet the peatlands, reforest the fells, remeander straightened water courses, regenerate the land and reduce pollution entering our water. |
Below are some projects we have worked on in the past and are now completed.
Refill Ambleside
This project has undertaken to put local taps on the map and eliminate single use plastic water bottles. It is part of the award winning Refill campaign, designed to reduce plastic pollution by making it easy to refill reusable water bottle instead of buying a plastic one. Many businesses in Ambleside now offer this facility.
This project has undertaken to put local taps on the map and eliminate single use plastic water bottles. It is part of the award winning Refill campaign, designed to reduce plastic pollution by making it easy to refill reusable water bottle instead of buying a plastic one. Many businesses in Ambleside now offer this facility.
Carbon Calculators
Providing the means for residents and businesses to be able to measure their own carbon footprints is a crucial way for them to start their journey in reducing their own carbon emissions. We have worked with outside experts to develop a bespoke tool which is now available for use by all members of our community. |