Some of our grants
We are extremely grateful to a number of grant awarding bodies for the support they have provided for our work.
We secured a grant of £8,900 from the National Lottery Community Fund "Together for our Planet" programme for a project called Net Zero with Trees and Bees. This project used existing tree and biodiversity mapping to help us understand how our local work can connect into a bigger picture across the Lakes and Cumbria. Based on these maps we will undertake more detailed surveys in selected areas and develop a three year outline plan for projects and practical work on tree maintenance, planting and other habitat creation to help address climate change and biodiversity loss.
The MCS Charitable Foundation awarded us a grant of £7,000 grant to help fund our Community Engagement work throughout 2021 and beyond, including the Climate Action Day at the Parish Centre on 23 September. The grant was also used in market research and publicity information as we sought to increase the reach of our solar power and warmer homes projects.
The Cadent Foundation awarded us a grant of £2,000 for two specific projects: a series of creative workshops for younger children on the theme of the environment and climate change; a new Pollinating Flower Meadow planted near Miller Bridge.
South Lakes District Council awarded us a grant of £1,507 through their Climate Change Community Fund towards the cost of a thermal imaging camera to be used by our Warmer Homes group to survey homes of local householders and help them identify heat loss.
The Holehird Trust, through the Cumbria Community Foundation, awarded us a grant of £2.000 towards the cost of a thermal imaging camera to be used by our Warmer Homes group to survey homes of local householders and help them identify heat loss. The award also covered the cost of training for our volunteer surveyors.